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- February Promotion -

Get 20% discount

for purchases over 30,000 yen.

Promo Code: PROMOFEB *Weekdays Only*

Validity Period : 3rd Feb. 2025 to 31st Mar. 2025

*Discounts are only available to customers registering online.

Mediator between Patients and Japanese Doctors
Medical + Translator + Mediator = Medilator

We started visiting nursing services in 2015, and focused on hand-to-hand services, we provide high-quality nursing care and nursing services by nurses who have undergone hospitality etiquette training, and we thoroughly pursue customer satisfaction.


Interpretation/translation languages are English, Chinese, Taiwanese, Vietnamese, Russian and Myanmar.


サービス料金/Fees English is at the bottom



  • What information do I need when I apply?
    Your name, date of birth, telephone number, home address, address of the medical facility, copy of passport, details of your consultation, date of service, start and end times of the service, and whether or not you wish to be accompanied by an interpreter during meal breaks.
  • Can I apply using the inquiry form?
    We are sorry, but we only accept special forms. There are terms and conditions on the special form, so please read and agree to them before applying.
  • Can I request your service even if I am far away?
    Yes, you can. ・Tokyo 23 wards If you request service to areas other than those listed above, transportation fees from Tokyo Station will be charged separately.
  • How do I pay?
    We have the following payment methods. We ask that you pay in advance. ・Credit card
  • Is it possible for a designated staff member to come?
    Yes, you can recommend one.
  • What are your business hours?
    Business hours are weekdays from 9:00 to 17:00. Service hours are 24/7.
  • How much do the services cost? 服务费是多少? サービス料金はいくらですか?
    There are four services. 提供四种服务。 4つのサービスがございます。 (1)Normal Level (Online) Interpreting Service >>15,000yen/1h (2)Normal Level (Attending) Interpreting Service (Starting time: between 8am and 2pm) >>35,000yen/4h (3)Normal Level (Attending) Interpreting Service (Starting time: between 14:00 and 18:00) >>45,000yen/4h (4)High Level (Attending) Interpreting Service (Starting time: between 8am to 6pm) >>120,000yen/4h (1)Online interpreting service is from 1 hour. (2)(3)(4)Attending service is from 4 hours. Please select an extension from "Options". Extensions cannot be arranged on the day of the tour, so please apply well in advance. ーーーーー (1)普通级(在线)口译服务 >>15,000日元/1小时 (2)普通级(到场)口译服务(开始时间:上午 8 时至下午 2 时之间) >>35,000日元/4小时 (3)普通级别(出席)口译服务(开始时间:14:00 至 18:00 之间) >>45,000日元/4小时 (4)高级(出席)口译服务(开始时间:上午 8 时至下午 6 时之间) >>12万日元/4小时 (1)在线口译服务时间为 1 小时。 (2)(3)(4)出席服务为 4 小时起。 请从 "选项 "中选择延期。旅行当天无法安排延期,请提前申请。 ーーーーー (1)通常レベル(オンライン)通訳サービス >>15,000円/1時間 (2)通常レベル(付き添い)通訳サービス(開始時間:8時~14時) >>35,000円/4時間 (3)通常レベル(付き添い)通訳サービス(開始時間:14:00~18:00の間) >>45,000円/4時間 (4)ハイレベル(付き添い)通訳サービス(開始時間:8時~18時) >>120,000円/4時間 (1)オンライン通訳は1時間からとなります。 (2)(3)(4)アテンドは4時間からとなります。 延長は『オプション』よりお選びください。当日の延長は対応できませんので、時間に余裕をもってお申し込みください。
  • Can a medical interpreter come right away? 医疗口译员能否立即赶来?すぐに来てもらえますか?
    No, it takes at least one business day to arrange an interpreter. 不,我们至少需要一天的时间来派遣口译人员。 いいえ、通訳者の手配には最低1営業日かかります。








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